With all the hoopla of the Holidays last week, I forgot to talk about our last doctor appointment the we had on December 29th. It was the standard two week check with no ultrasound this time (that is this week...) I always hold my breath with the measurement of my belly because I am just waiting for the numbers to be off the charts, but actually there was no growth! This isn't anything to be concerned about seeing the month before they had a HUGE growth spurt and we are thinking this next appointment we will see another growth spurt. One question I am getting a lot as of lately is "How long are you going to work up until?" So to answer that... my doctor is keeping a close eye on the babies and medical side of things while trusting me to listen to my body and just see how things keep going. I am still working full days and weeks, but slowing down quite-a-bit, and as for now my goal is to make it about 3 more weeks?!?!?! We have an appointment this week with an ultrasound as well so we'll continue to watch things!
Heartbeats as of the last appointment:
Baby A =138
Baby B = 150
Some other developments are in the area of the nursery. The offer that was to come through on our house fell through on the buyers end, so as of now we are making room to bring home the babies to our current home. I am excited to FINALLY be able to paint, order carpet, and put in the closet organizer to start nesting. For now building plans are on hold as the market is slow... and we are excited to be bringing the babies home to a place that truly feels like home to us! Building the house will come at a bit later time and we are looking forward to getting ready for babies and truly being able to enjoy the first months/year with just them on our plate!
The organization has just began, but this is a start. It's amazing how much "stuff" there is and how much a closet organizer can help!!! Adam painted this week and we have the carpet on order, and the furniture should be here in no more than 2 weeks so stay tuned for more updates on the nursery!
This last weekend was a weekend we have been looking forward to for quite awhile. The babies were showered with many special things by many special people! We packed up on Friday morning to head South to Kenosha and Racine for a shower on Adam's side of the family. If you have been following the blog, you know weather always plays a role when it comes to doing things for the babies... so of course, we ran into a tad-bit of sloppy weather!
Adam was pretty excited to get his very own Daddy-Diaper-Bag. It was pre-packed and ready to go with instructions of what to pack and why to pack it. This is his happy face and pretending to carry TWO car seats (not trying to show off his muscles)!
I can't wait for the day he takes the kids on an outing... Is it bad I am already looking forward to that? Thanks Gramma and Grandpa Wamboldt!
The pink and Blue baby items are starting to roll in as the due date approaches and returns can be made in the window of return policies. What outfits will the babies be wearing?
At the end of the day, we found our comfy spots in the basement. Next to the bar, there is a theater room. Putting our feet up and enjoying some football was just where I wanted to be after a long day of food, fun, and the babies being very SPOILED! I think the boys were still "showering" at the bar...
We cannot begin to thank everyone enough for all the essentials and goodies the babies have received from family and friends! All the support, kind words, and warm wishes are amazing and hard to put into words... and we say thank you, ThAnK YoU, THANK YOU to everyone!!!
~ Adam, Amy, Izzie, and "the Babies"
~ Adam, Amy, Izzie, and "the Babies"
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