January 22, 2011
I organized the first week into days. Each day made such a difference in what to expect and how they boys were doing. They continue to do well and the main goal is to just get them to gain some weight and eventually learn to eat on their own, however both have lost a little weight since birth. This is normal with all babies, but we don't want them to lose more than 10% of their weight! They are getting all their nutrients through a feeding tube as they are too young and weak to suck, swallow, and breath and get it all down in a pattern. They tell us that it probably won't be for a couple weeks. Both are still on IV's providing them with a little more liquids, Vitamin D, and some caffeine to stimulate their little systems and remind them they need to breath on their own! The IV sites are very fragile with their little veins, so they are moved often. Both have had an IV in their head at one time for a site, and I'm not going to lie... it's hard to see our little boys like this!

This picture melts my heart. Ashton fell asleep while looking up at Daddy. Yes, that is blonde hair on his shoulders. I call him my little Monkey and I had the same thing when I was born.

This is Aiden, still has the mitts on. Little stinker WILL NOT leave his oxygen flow alone!

Aiden often has a worried look on his face and is a little more of a spit fire. When he gets mad, he gets MAD!!! He loves his pacifier and needs to be touched or cuddled to calm down.

They may be twins and brothers, but their little personalities are becoming more and more different. Here is Ashton sleeping so soundly that his little mouth is hanging open. He loves to sprawl out and is pretty relaxed most of the time. He will suck on his pacifier, but doesn't want it as much as Aiden. Ashton was also the one sprawled out in the womb and hogging the space... no wonder Aiden is a little spit fire now, he was sick of being pushed under my rib by his brother!!!!

I love their little hands. Their pinkie finger nails are SO TINY!

Volunteers make the hats the babies wear in the NICU. The teal one is Ashton's and the blue on is Aiden's. Adam had a good idea of comparing the size to a quarter... they are tiny too!

Gramma and Grandpa visited and of course had to gear the boys up for the BIG game on Sunday! They were all the talk of the NICU with their Packer gear. The question has been asked if they will be Vikings Fans since they were born in Minnesota and the answer is NO! They can be Gopher fans (I went to school there) and Twins fans (fitting enough), but no Vikings (until they are old enough to choose). Since Adam is from the Green Bay area, they will be true
Green and
Gold Fans. The two newest Packer Fans get to cheer for their team in the Super Bowl this year as well!!!!
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