Surprise! They're here... On January 20th, 2011, we welcomed our two sons to the world! They were bound and determined to be here even though they were exactly two months to the day early. We could not have been more surprised, blessed, and elated to have Ashton Alan and Aiden James as our two sons. We have so much to share as ALOT has happened in the past two days, and we promise to share most every detail we can remember... however, the days, hours, and minutes, are blending together at this point and it will take some time to get my thoughts organized. I will back up eventually and take you back to the eventful morning of January 20th, 2011 but not now. I wanted to get the basic information out and tease with a couple pictures while we adjust to our beautiful boys and spend as much time as we can taking care of them and ourselves.
Ashton Alan
Born at 4:11 pm
4 pounds 3 ounces
18 inches long
Aiden James
Born at 4:14 pm
3 pounds 11 ounces
17 1/2 inches long
The boys are doing great (again, many details to come)! We love our "Kangaroo Care" time with them where we get to hold them skin-to-skin. They are such cuddled bugs and they are so calm while by us and listening to our voice.

Aiden has his "boxing mitts" on because he is a little stinker and likes grabbing at his air flow tube. He wasn't as awake, so we try to keep the lights down. Dim lights = not so good pictures. His time will come. We see his eyes open quite a bit and he loves listening for our voices.
After Kangaroo Time, Ashton was wide awake and looking at mommy and daddy. He loves just listening to our voices!
Ashton again. How precious! The lights we on by him which made this night (1.22.2011) his night to be photographed. He was so alert and wide eyed looking at Adam and I. He melts our heart.
There is soooo much to share! Instead of doing a Caring Bridge site, I have decided to keep up with the information to be shared on this blog. It serves as a way to keep others posted, while it has also been our journal the entire pregnancy so please log in often as you will find more frequent updates as there is information and pictures to share!
We thank everyone for their support, kind words, prayers, blessings, and all the help we have received in the past couple days really show the amazing friends and family Adam have in our lives!
We are blessed. Adam, Amy, Ashton, Aiden, and Izzie.
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