This is a slow news week. Halloween weekend was so busy that we really laid low this week and got some much needed rest. Volleyball is done for me, so being able to leave work at a normal time and getting home for a little bit of exercise has left me continuing to feel good! I really have no complaints about his pregnancy, but don't think that I don't have a countdown in my head (15 weeks until I hit the 36 week mark). At the 36 week mark if all continues to look good, my doctor will let me deliver in Menomonie.
It feels like it has been forever since we last heard the heartbeats. We have to wait another week until our 22 week check-up and the BIG ultra-sound. I continue to feel their movements on a daily basis and they definitely have their more active times. I am not sure if it the way I sit up straight to eat, them fighting for the space, or if it is their natural awake time but that is when I feel the most movements. They start at lunch and jolt and jab until after supper. I cannot wait to see how they are positioned as I believe I am feeling them in two complete different sides and spots! Adam thinks he may have felt some movement, but it's hard to be sure. I am sure within the next week or so he will be able to feel them doing their acrobatic routine.
21 Weeks
(Blurry pictures means a new camera for Christmas is in store... before we have priceless pictures to take!)
This week we are 21 weeks pregnant and the babies are about the size of a BANANA. The babies continue to grow longer. Their crown to rump length is about 7 1/4 inches and they now weigh about 10 1/2 ounces each. Their rapid growth rate has slowed. However, the baby continues to grow and develop their different organ system.

Next week should be a more eventful post as we are having Elle's Baptism on Sunday and hosting some of the family to stay at our house. Also, even though our house is for sale and we are hoping to bring the babies home to the new house... I have convinced Adam to at least get a closet organizer and paint the "nursery" here so I can start to feel ready IF we are in this house still. I hope to get the cribs and dressers on a Black Friday sale as well!
~ Thanks for checking in... The Wamboldt's
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