This past Saturday marked the first week that both boys have been home together and I am very proud to say WE SURVIVED!
We not only survived this first week home, but their first month with us!!!
One Month Old!
Ashton Alan
Aiden James
I never thought that I would say sneaking out of the house to go to Wal-Mart by myself is fun and a nice break! I went from Monday to Saturday without stepping foot outside. We are getting settled into somewhat of a routine. The boys eat about every 3-4 hours which can keep us busy as we are trying to feed them at the same time. I am no longer setting the alarm clock at night to feed them every three hours and they are waking us on their own every four hours. They are doing a great job with their nights. We don't turn on any lights or talk to them and they go right back to sleep! During the day, we make a point to keep it light, lots of talking, cuddling, and swing time so they do sleep well at night.
Aiden, on the other hand, usually screams while he is in the bath. He is getting better though! Notice the worried look on his face ;)
Another event of the week was their first doctor appointment with Dr. Walker. We were excited for this special day as he was updated on them while they were at the Children's Hospital, but today was the day to meet the best doctor they could have. While Adam went into work in the morning, my mom came over to help me get the boys ready and give me the chance to get ready as well! For this first-time mom, I was pretty excited to take them on their first outing. We dressed them in their cute little outfits... and off to the doctor we went!
So... this first-time mom was so excited taking pictures for their first doctor appointment, that I forgot the camera sitting on the counter for the actual appointment! Another first-time mom thing - getting the kids dressed all cute, just to take it all off before the doctor even enters the room! Then to get them all dressed again after the appointment... ugh. We spent more time undressing and dressing than we did with the actual doctor. Zippers and simplicity next time. Convenient over rules cute! ;)
We were looking forward to getting the boys weighed. We were sure we would be celebrating having a six pounder... maybe! Ashton weighed 5 pounds 15 ounces (so close) and Aiden isn't too far behind weighing 5 pounds 8 ounces. They didn't measure their heads or length, but I am curious to how much they have grown in length. We go back in two weeks for another check-up so maybe we will have those measurements after that appointment.
For the remainder of our days, we spend the majority of our time cuddling! I really enjoy my time with both boys as I am in heaven and it is fun to see the boys become more and more aware of each other!
Also on Saturday, the boys had their second field trip out of the house to get their newborn pictures taken. I was VERY nervous about getting both boys settled in for some cuddle shots and getting them both sleeping at the same time, but they did a great job and I am so excited to see the final shots!
Ashton has found his thumb this week! It is sooo cute... now if both could do it on a consistent basis, I wouldn't be jumping to give them their paci every five minutes ;)
Ashton has found his thumb this week! It is sooo cute... now if both could do it on a consistent basis, I wouldn't be jumping to give them their paci every five minutes ;)
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