On Saturday, Adam and I went to a shower held for Amanda and Matt. Amanda and Matt are the son and daughter-in-law of Adam's business partners (Char and Gerry). Amanda is due with a baby boy this Christmas (December 26th)! We couldn't help but get a belly shot of the two of us. The first thing I see is how much taller she is than me, but then I can't get past the thought that she has 3 weeks to go and I have 11 weeks (until week 36) to go and were THE SAME SIZE...
Front Shot... not so bad.
Side Shot... Bam!
We have had quite a bit of interest in our house as of lately as well. We have had showings most every weekend (at least we have a clean house every week) and a very interested couple hopefully making an offer early this week. It's really hard not to get our hopes up... but to be completely honest, I am getting nervous about the thought of possibly moving twice in the up coming months and maybe with newborn babies! Not to mention, nothing being done with the nursery. I continue to remind Adam, I will not be able to help much with a move... With the activity on the house, we have been busy putting the finishing touches on the plans and getting the lot ready for the hole to be dug and concrete poured. This means trees needed to come down.The stakes are for the concrete people. It's hard to envision the layout just by where the stakes are...
The boys hard at work. We hired it out, but Adam and Gerry helped to cut the cost in half!!! A BIG thanks to Gerry :)
Baby Update: Week 25
Each week as I do my reading on the babies, I giggle to myself. I do not have a book that refers to a twin pregnancy so I laugh when it tells me how big I should be. This week it says my uterus should be about halfway between my belly button and the lower part of my sternum... Well Baby B has been in my right rib for the last 3-4 weeks causing A LOT of pain and periods of being quite uncomfortable! I am much bigger than a soccer ball as well... as the book says that is the size I should be. Other than that, I have been feeling a lot of movement and the their main job now is to put on fat! I am not sure if it is their placement or little personalities coming through already, but Baby A is quite a bit more active then Baby B most days. We can't wait to see them on our next ultra sound in a week and a half!
As I mentioned earlier, this coming weeks could be very busy with some developments in selling our house, starting our new house, we start birthing classes, and I have my first baby shower this coming weekend! Thanks for checking in and we'll keep you posted!
~Amy, Adam, and the Nizzer.
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