I will warn you right away that this isn't going to be a vary interesting post. This week has been a week I have been dreading for awhile. My volleyball team had late practice this week. That means I supervise study-hall for the girls from 3:00 - 4:30, then we practice after that. It puts for some long days. We had two games this past week that were both away which puts in for some long nights, but needless to say when the girls play well it helps!!!! And I ended this week with class on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. Ish. Ish. Ish.

This week is going to be a much better week! I have a half day on Wednesday, and NO students on Thursday and Friday!!!
This past weekend, we did find the time to visit a pumpkin patch. We went to the Pleasant Valley Tree Farm for a bit. I have a feeling we would have spent more time there had we already had the kiddos. There is so much to do there! This is also where we went last year for our Christmas trees so Adam was hunting a bit early for our tree... notice Izzie's look on her face. By this time she was hot, thirsty, and had been pet by about 100 kids!!!! Poor thing.

Baby Update:
The big development areas this week are the babies cartilage turning to more solid bone. The joints are now working and the tiny bones in their ears are developed so they can hear things. Adam continues to talk to them which makes me laugh. Playing music for them with headphones may start this week, and also they can feel me rubbing my tummy (supposed to help calm them and help the bonding process). I am patiently waiting for the definite moment where I know I have felt a kick this week as well! The babies are about the size of a turnip.
We have our doctor's appointment this Wednesday. Maybe this time we will be able to hear the two distinct heartbeats!!! We will have our next ultra sound in four weeks at the 21 week mark where they will be able to determine the gender, but we are still thinking that we don't want to know!!!
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