Last week I commented that the Wamboldt Family was dealing with a cold and some new teeth. I was thinking it was done, but it seems like it wants to linger just a bit longer. Aiden continues to have a runny nose and Ashton has quite the little cough. I think it's also safe to say that we will be getting new teeth weekly between the two! Aiden is working on another on the top and it looks like since Ashton's bottom two came in, he is also working on about three on the top. Poor little boys! While Aiden had Ahton beat on the teeth, Ashton has Aiden beat on the hair. So much so, he has quite the bedhead some mornings and after naps ;)
We took our two PuMpKiNs to the Patch this weekend. It was a bit windy, but otherwise a beautiful day to meet Cousin Elle at Pleasant Valley.
Nana bought the boys some Halloween shirts. Aiden's says "Boo" and Ashton's says "Who's Hiding the Treats?"
Poor Ashton not feeling so well... Many droopy eyes in today's pictures ;(

The first thing we did at the Pumpkin Patch was SwInG!

Daddy and his two boys... all wearing their puffy vests. How much longer before we cannot hold both?!?!?!

With Dad's help, they tried the slide. Aiden still trying to tell his brother that he has a silly thing on his head!

There was a petting zoo there... and this cute little pony. Adam thought that Elle should have went home right away and put one on her Christmas List.

Elle gave Ashton a ride on the tractor. I think she was asking him where they should go...

We saw the pumpkin launcher shoot a pumpkin... on a day that isn't so busy, they'll crank it up and shot pumpkins over the hill you see far away in the background! I missed the launch because I was looking at the boys' reaction to the loud noise... they didn't even flinch!
More hay! This time Ashton could pick his teeth with it because he had mittens on... so he just hit at it :)
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