For the past 30 years, Adam's family has been packing up and heading to Peninsula State Park in Door County. This is a trip that is very near and dear to Adam's heart and we have been looking forward to including the boys in this tradition for the past 6 months! This year not only marked the boys' first year, but also Laura and Jerry's 35th Wedding Anniversary!
We usually rent a camper from the Green Bay area and have it delivered to the park... but this year we had WAY too much stuff to bring and getting a camper from here (Rice Lake) allowed us to pack it full and then pull it! I will admit that I was a bit scared with how packed we had everything and how heavy the camper was for the Endeavor to pull. After many reassurances from Adam we packed the boys in and we were off (I was tempted to safely follow Adam with the boys in my car)! But we made it and the boys traveled AWESOME!

We left right after the boys ate first thing in the morning so they could take their big morning nap on the road. We stopped about half way and fed both ourselves and the boys and we were back on the road. The boys slept the entire time and stated stirring just as we were pulling into Fish Creek.
The first night was a learning night... to try and keep somewhat of a routine we bathed the boys every night... the first night slipped away from us and we were doing baths in the dark. From then on it was a well planned effort by all to get supper made, supper cleaned up, baths done, bottles made, and kids down for the night all before we lost the daylight!
In the mornings, everyone makes their way to the beach for breakfast, donuts, and coffee. The first morning, the boys had to show off their "coon hats!" It is well known that all food needs to be put away or you will get "visitors" during the night. We joked that we had some visitors and the boys caught them and made some hats. ;)
Ashton - I think it looks like a really bad wig...
Aiden - looks like a little Russian.
Another morning, I was busy getting the boys' breakfast made and when I got back, they already had some breakfast! It's hard to see in this picture, but Adam smeared powdered sugar on their cheeks from the donuts... it was too cute!
On one of out morning visits to the beach, the boys could not wait to have their feet in the water for the very first time! I think it was a bit colder than the water they are used to, but they did well! Ashton was a bit more tolerant of being more submerged in the water, but next year I am sure we will not be able to keep both of the boys out of the water!
Ashton's first dip with Daddy.

Aiden's first dip with Daddy.
Daddy and Grampa in the water.
Many days are spent at Nicolet Beach and this is what you do. Stand, talk, drink, and play. In the past it was volleyball and paddle ball, but this year it was the Wa-Bo-Ba (Water Bouncy Ball).
Two Boys in a Boat!
While they boys weren't huge fans of being IN the water... they had no problems floating ON the water.

Ashton even fell asleep while standing in the water with Daddy.

Elle was too cute! I think she had more swimsuits than all of us put together ;) If you look back to last years blog post of Door County, you will see a picture of her 4 weeks old and wearing these same sunglasses.

Aiden was content in his boat (borrowed from Harrison) looking out at all the rest of the boats. Dreaming...

Adam's dad has had a wagon for the past couple years to haul all the goods to the beach. We thought with adding more kids stuff needing to make it to and from the beach... Adam should get a wagon too!

One of the days, Adam's Grandma, Aunt Missy, and Aunt Amy visited us. It was great seeing them! We hung out at the campsite and went to the playground.

The boys got to swing, and both fit in one! Perfect.

Aiden James

Ashton Alan

One of the days, we make plans for the boys to go golfing and the girls to meet them at the club house for either breakfast or lunch. While Aiden was sleeping, Ashton got to pick out what he wanted from the menu...

Since getting everyone ready and loaded into the can was a longer process this year, we planned one day for all of our excursions out of the park. We had lunch at the club house, we went into Fish Creek shopping, and topped off the day at Wilson's for some old fashioned ice-cream.

Nana and the boys. Good thing they can't have ice-cream yet... they both slept the entire time!

Gramma and Grampa with all the grand kids.

Elle enjoyed tasting every one's different flavors! Next year the boys will be able to have some too.
Gramma and Grampa baught the boys some shirts to always remember their first (of many time's to come) at Wilson's

With many days spent at the beach and one day shopping out of the park, what else did we do?!?!?! We walked. I want to know how many miles we spent walking around for nap times, to go to bed, and to pass the time with the boys! Thank goodness for all the people who offered to help us walk with the boys... We could not have done it without all the fresh legs to take the boys for a spin! The boys also played which was a bit challenging since they are not quite sitting on their own yet... so they spent time in what Adam calls the "stand machines."

When we weren't at the beach, walking, or playing... we were attempting to take naps and sleep! The boys did OK during the nights. At home, they are "fussing it out" during the nights and we are moving away from night feedings. BUT, while camping we had bottles ready and in their mouths at the very first little peep. Ugh... a crying baby in a camp ground! That was us one of the nights (to our defense, Aiden was teething and now has two teeth). They also got spoiled by sleeping with either Adam and I in separate beds and naps were hit and miss, so needless to say we are still trying to get back on schedule and keeping the boys in their cribs at night even though they sleep well and snuggle with us ;) Our camper had three pop-out beds and it is pretty neat to feel like you are sleeping under the stars in the great outdoors!

Many naps were at the beach. To help Aiden settle in, he sleeps better with something over his eyes. Now boys boys settle in with blankets up by the faces and over their eyes. Daddy is just trying to fit in.
Many naps were also in the hammock, and Mikayla was a great snuggler and helper!

Ashton sleeping in the camper - see what I mean about snuggling with the blankets? Good thing they are out of the high risk stage for SIDS... I am constantly checking on them and moving the blankets from their faces!

How was camping for 13 days with 2 six month-olds? Just ask Adam! It was e.x.h.a.u.s.t.i.n.g but worth every minute of all the hard work.
We had laundry up to our ears and piles all over the house when we got home... and I have a feeling it will only be worse next year when the boys are mobile and getting into more dirt.

Here's to another year!!!! It's great that my mom, Mikayla, and Emily have joined us for the past three years for part of the time.

Where are the boys? I can't see them because they are wearing camo! My aunt Debbie also made the boys some camoflauge blankets (you will see theme in most pictures) that they L.O.V.E... THANKS AGAIN Deb!

Adam's parent's had "craft day" one year and made this sign. It represents where the family had lived in the past and where we had traveled for our honeymoons. It is fun to see all the people stop and comment on the sign! We started out own sign last year keeping track of the year and the site we stayed at. That didn't get done this year... I cannot imagine why we didn't have the time?!?!?!? Maybe next year.
I almost forgot... one of the mornings, a friend of the family and photographer met us and took some family pictures! They turned out great... check out the sneak peek at this site:
It has now been a week since we have been home and all is getting back too normal. Reflecting on this trip, it is amazing how Adam's parents have continued with this trip for 30 years and as I mentioned earlier... Adam looks forward to this trip all year and it is a really special place for him. We look forward to continuing this trip with the Wamboldt Family and Friends and we hope this can be just as special of a place for our boys. There is so much we do... yet so much of the time is just spent with family and friends hanging out, it was hard organizing this blog (and sorting through my 400 some pictures)! We already have our site booked for the end of July next year and believe it or not, we are already planning meals and looking forward to doing new things with the boys as they will a bit older and be able to do more!
Another reason I love The County of Door... taking pictures of the flowers, boats, signs, and architectural structures. Here are just a few:

Check back in a couple days... I will have another post for this past week that we weren't on vacation. I was unpacking, cleaning, doing laundry, my sister turned 27, and the boys turned 7 months old!
~The A Team