There are a lot of pictures to share this week as we made our first trip to Gramma and Grampa's house with the boys! We were very excited to take the boys away for the weekend but nervous at the same time. This past weekend marked the first time the boys have been away from home for more than a couple hours and the boys were troopers! We will share all the highlights of the weekend, but first I need to back up a bit.
We went to one of Uncle Dave's baseball games (he plays for the Menomonie Eagles), but we don't have any pictures! Bummer... It was VeRy cold and the boys were all bundled up, and sleeping. They had to wear their Minnesota Twins shirts that Uncle Dave got them for Easter since that is the only "baseball" attire they have. Hopefully we can make another game when it feels like summer.
On the weekend of the 19th, I drove to the cities (without the boys) to help "shower" Baby Gretz. Kimberly Kay is one of my best friends going back to our college days. She is expecting a baby boy in the beginning of August and we are very excited to meet this little man!!! We hope to have many play dates in the future...
So... this last weekend we were finally able to make the trip we have all been looking forward to! We traveled to Adam's parents house in Oconto Falls. It is about 30 minutes north of Green Bay. We were packed tight! This was the true test to see if we really need a larger vehicle...
It all fit (barely)!
The boys got to meet our friends, The Meyers Family and the Wendt Family. They are like second and third parents to Adam and two of Adam's best friends are Matt and Kyle. Although Marie says she doesn't "do babies," she was a champ and Aiden was content to sit on her lap a great amount of time!
that was recently brought to Green Bay. It was one of Elvis' favorite... Grampa recreated it in the back yard with the stroller. Maybe someday the boys can ride the real Zippen Pippen with Grampa!
One of the very first items of clothing the boys were given were these "Mine, Mine, Mine..." (Little Mermaid) onsies from Gramma and Grampa's trip to Disney last fall. They finally fit and it's only fitting that they show them to Gramma and Grampa!

Adam and I had a mini vacation this weekend! We just cannot figure out why Gramma and Grampa were so hands-on during the days, but didn't want to help with the nights?!?!?! JUST KIDDING! They boys did well sleeping their first time away from home!

It was a busy weekend and we LOVED every minute of it. We are tired and plan on doing a lot of hanging out this week, find time for some walks, and gear up for the Holiday Weekend!
Do you want to count how many times I typed "Gramma and Grampa" in this blog post!?!?!?! We could make it a drinking game ;)
The A Team & Iz