Everything we do, we try to do it fast. As I am reflecting on the week, the words I think of are quick, hurry, and fast. We are quickly trying to change one boy so we can get to the other that is crying. We are quick to get one crying baby out of the room before he wakes his brother. I am hurrying to burp one while the other has his bottle propped, and soon he will need to be burped. I am speeding through town because I am late for something... as I was trying to hurry out of the house. I find myself rushing through eating because I don't know how long I will get to eat and when the next time I will get to eat. I now shower in record time as it never fails that they are content UNTIL I get the shampoo in my hair... shaving and leaving my conditioner in for a little amount of time is only a luxury! Make-up and styling my hair is becoming non-existent and saved for special occasions. I am sure I am missing other instances that we are flying by the seats of our pants, but once again... I am hurrying to finish this blog post (which I did indeed start on Sunday)! On Saturday I played in the Menomonie Alumni Volleyball tournament. We didn't do so well, but we had a blast. It is so nice getting together with old friends and catching up with everyone. This mama was out-of-shape! This was my first physical activity in a LONG time! I was not the only new mama on the team either! Of the five players, four of us had babies in the past year and our sixth player didn't play but brought her newborn to visit... play dates are in order! Maybe we would have done better if we played as hard as we chatted and shared pictures ;) Cannot wait until next year! The boys had another appointment this week. They had their regular two month check-up with Dr. Walker. He is very pleased by their growth! Both gained exactly a pound since the last visit.
Ashton: So close to eight pounds!!! 7 pounds 15 ounces
21 1/4 inches long
head: 14 1/4
Aiden: 7 pounds 6 ounces
19 1/2 inches long
head: 14 1/4
It seems that the only time we leave the house is for appointments. Nana bought them some adorable little buntings, which are a bit big... but we put them on the boys anyway because they will soon be out of season!!! Welcome SpRiNg!!!!


When we aren't going to appointments... we are PLAYING!!!! It's fun to see the boys awake for longer chunks of time and they are really starting to look around (across the room). They love the light of the windows... maybe their longing to be outside like Izzie and I are! Ashton is right on the verge of cooing. You can tell he wants to and once he was watching his mobile in his swing and let out a sound. It wasn't a cry... I think he was trying to talk to it but the sound he made surprised him and scared him a bit. He is getting more smiley (not just gas smiles) each day!

Both boys are getting stronger and stronger. Aiden has a little more patience with being on his stomach and can really hold his head high!

Peek-a-boo! Or is he trying to be a pirate?

Then he gets tired, but still has his big blue eyes!

Friday night we had some visitors! Harper, Cindy, and Chris stopped over and brought us some supper. Harper is 7 months old and a little ham. He is full of smiles and really wanted to touch the boys. Once we were getting the boys ready for bead, we noticed they were matching!

For once in pictures, Aiden is the one sleeping. He just got done with his bath and his belly was full - it's bedtime!

Harper has his arm around Ashton ;)

We are looking forward to the boys being best of friends as Cindy and I have been great friends since 4th grade.
The boys continue to LOVE snuggle time. They still fit on Adam's chest, but are out-growing mine!

It wasn't planned, but even Daddy is dressed like the boys...

Ashton Alan

Aiden James
As the weather continues to get nicer and the days get longer, I cannot say it enough... We are ready to go for walks and leave the house more often!!! Bring on the nice weather, bye-bye snow, and hello SPRING!
Until next week!
~A to the 4th power and Izzie
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