Sunday, September 26, 2010
It's Fall!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Kids Say The Darndest Things!
The other picture is Adam practicing cuddling on the couch with babies. He said, "take my picture, I am practicing being a dad." Izzie sure is a cuddler and it isn't rare to find them in this position.
"Because it's your BIRTHDAY!!!" - Nope.
"Because the Twins won last night and your a baseball fan." - Nope.
"Because you like Twinkies and they're your favorite." - Nope.
After more hints, someone said "YOUR HAVING TWINS!" Leave it to one of my students to say, "I noticed you were getting bigger," and another said "That's going to hurt when they are born!" Thanks kiddos...
The last quote I will share comes from my friends 10 year old son. Jamie and I were having a mini girls night out on Saturday night and as I went to pick her up at her house, her son ran to the window to sneak-a-peak at me. When I got into their house Jamie told me he said, "She isn't even that fat yet." Thanks Blais, I'll take that as a compliment!!!
Sorry - no belly picture this week. My mom was begging, but it didn't get done. Next week.
~Thanks for checking in... I either need to get better with the camera or we lead a pretty boring life.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
First Big Purchase
Sunday, September 5, 2010
1st Trimester and Twinkies!!!!
~ Yes, twins run in the family. I also mentioned earlier that I was on fertility medication that will also increase the chances of multiples. When talking to my doctor he has no idea which of the two it was. Also, when approaching the magic age of 30 years old, that also increased the chances. So was I the 1 in 25-30 pregnancies that resulted in multiples because of Clomid OR was it the fact that of 5 females in my generation on my mom's side the 3 that have had babies have all had a set of TWINS???? It's hard to say, but it doesn't really matter anymore... Watch out Elly and Megan!!! To make things short I say, "Yes, twins run in the family."
~The second infamous question... Adam and I are really up in the air of whether we will find out the gender at the 20 week appointment. Shopping for baby clothes is difficult! I don't want anymore YELLOW DUCKIE stuff! It would be soooo much easier to know since we are buying double of everything. On the other hand, for the larger items, we want to go neutral anyway so can we get away with not knowing and have the true surprise? We don't know and probably will not know until the day we have the ultrasound. Call us weird, but we have already began to buy diapers as we receive coupons... we know we will need them and boy/girl does not make a difference!
My first day back to school (Wednesday, September 1st) I came home to some beautiful flowers at home from my family (Adam and Izzie)! Thanks Guys!
On Friday night Adam and I went to the Menomonie Football game with some friends. Menomonie won 27 to 21 against Wasau West. It was kinda rainy/misty but we had fun. Since I have been at the middle school for coming up on 7 years, the names and faces on the varsity teams are more familiar and getting more fun to watch. We then went out for a bit for a friend's birthday. HaPpY BiRtHdAy Jamie! With a short nap after school I was good to go, until I hit my wall at about 11 o'clock!
We ended the week with a family get together on Saturday. They boys went golfing while I got to give Baby Elle some snuggles. Adam's parents were over and it is always nice to have a great home cooked dinner!
12 Weeks
At the end of this week, I will be through my first trimester!!!! I continue to feel great, but hope to get more energy back as I head into full work weeks and coaching volleyball after school. As you can see from the picture, I definitely cannot "Suck it in" anymore. I have some regular pants that still fit, but have started wearing more maternity this past week for the comfort.
The babies have doubled in size in the past three weeks. The babies are nearing three inches long and weigh about 4/5 of an ounce. The facial features are taking on more definition this week as the chin and nose are more refined. This week also marks the arrival of fingernails and toenails!