The first week of big boy beds has gone smoothly. Maybe too smoothly? Ashton let himself out after nap yesterday and this morning at 7:30, but they really haven't figured out that they can get out on their own during bedtime. That is fine by us!
Friday night, Menomonie took on Marshfield in the first round of playoffs at home. It was probably the last game that the boys will be able to go to this year and they had a BLAST! Menomonie won and will be moving on!
They made it through the entire game, loved seeing "Spirit" the Mustang and they watched closely for tackles and touchdowns. At the end of the game they got a kick out of going out onto the field and having the chance to run and tackle with each other on the field. Sorry - no pictures as my phone was dead. Ashton is right now!
On Saturday we had Wyatt and Kim over. I met Kim at the U of M and we have been friends since. I was just thinking about the time that has passed today - 15 years since we met and we don't get together often enough! Wyatt turned two in August and is excited to have a little brother or sister in March!
The three boys played great together and had a blast acting like monsters at supper ;)
The last picture I have of these three all together is of them in their car seats when Wyatt was a newborn!
Wyatt, Ashton and Aiden all in the same order...
Ashton trying to tickle Wyatt to make him smile - It worked!
Today we headed to Pleasant Valley Pumpkin Patch. It was a perfect day for some Fall Fun.
We had two excited little boys running to each area...
The colors and the land is so beautiful!
Aiden driving the tractor.
Ashton's turn!
Aiden peeking out of the wooden train.
Ashton loving the slide by the hay bales.
Have you ever seen two cuter little butts? They better not get stuck in there because this claustrophobic mom is NOT going in after them!!!
The corn maze was pretty weak... not sure if they boys could have even gotten 'lost'.
These horses were new this year...
We had to take a break from the horses to watch the pumpkin launcher. It was LOUD, but very intriguing to these two little boys!
Aiden was too busy sprinting from activity to activity. Ashton stopped for some posed pictures. If you look closely... Ashton is in the middle ;)
Can you find Ashton? He wanted to be the princess with the kitty.
It wasn't very busy, which was perfect for the bounce houses. They get intimidated with other kiddos so they had them all to themselves!
Ashy riding the bucking bronco.
Aiden posing. Not really - but I love this picture!
Aiden wanted it to move so badly, Ashton would have freaked out had it been real.
Aiden was focused on catching some "siff" (fish).
Cookie Break, in the boat.
We ended the day with a hayride! Aiden couldn't get close enough to the tractor.
I love this little face!
It's hard to believe we will be back in just over a month to pick out our Christmas tree! We were keeping our eye out for a good one...
Just another week of Fall Fun.... Our fall fun days are limited.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
Trick - or - Treat
~The Wamboldt's