The boys ventured out today to meet the Easter Bunny at the Oakwood Mall. I cannot help but get anxious about getting a "good" picture of the boys. It's hard enough to not have a single child crying or looking away from the camera... let alone two! But, all pictures have a story and this cute Easter Bunny Picture. ;) This was our first trip to the mall and I bet 90% of the people who passed us commented about the "twins". Either they stopped to talk to us about them, made comments in passing, or comments to each other (which we heard). We are not used to this yet as we haven't been out in public a whole lot with them!

Once we got home, Ashton wanted to put on his bunny ears...

But.... Aiden DID NOT. The boys wore shirts that say "I believe in the Easter Bunny." This picture cracks me up. NOT flattering of either one...

Izzie didn't want to miss out on the Easter Bunny action... although she chases bunnies out of our yard!

I am guessing the boys are pushing 9 pounds... as I am feeling that they are getting too big to snuggle on my chest together. However, I have room on my lap and both LOVE to rock in the rocking chair!

I see both Aiden and Ashton in this picture of Adam.

I think of Aiden when I look at this picture of Adam!

And I thought I drank too much caffeine... I think Aiden gets his big eyes from Adam! So Cute!!!

Can Ashton have CrAzY blonde hair like his mama???

I see a little bit of Ashton in this picture of me. Looking back on some very early pictures of Ashton in the NICU... before his face got more full.
Is this Ashton as a little Indian? Nope. It's me.

It's hard to say who they really look like. A little of both maybe??? As both of their faces get more full, they are actually looking more and more alike. They have the same noses and BRIGHT blue eyes. They are changing each day!
This week is my last week of maternity leave and we are busy! We will be meeting with the pastor for their baptism in May, heading to doctor appointments at Children's, meeting with the babysitter that is covering the next seven weeks, and I am going to work for an afternoon to "shadow" my sub to see where she is at with my classes! I am excited to get back and see what my other 20 kiddos have been up to, but it will be hard to leave my favorite 2 kiddos each morning.