Not too many pictures this week, but pictures cannot describe the emotions and surprises that this week brought. We started out the week with our first prenatal doctor appointment on Monday. We were both excited and looking forward to the confirmation that we were indeed expecting a baby. We were excited to have our first ultrasound and hear a strong and healthy heartbeat! Adam was all smiles as we walked into the appointment and I was nervous. There were two ultrasound techs because one was a student and the other was observing the student and wanted to be present to observe and help out as needed. At first there were moments of nothing on the screen and no talking, hence the nerves! They noticed right away that I had an inverted uterus... (about as common as left handed people versus right handed people, 20%) which was news to me. The ultra sound tech was confused for a bit on what she saw on the screen. She mentioned a weird fold or something else on the screen, but didn't want to say to much to let the student do the exam. In the meantime (I didn't catch this...) but the tech was motioning to Adam that there were two babies. She didn't want to interrupt the student (who had never scanned twins). The picture below is at the point were we could see one baby pretty clear and I had no clue about two babies. Exciting (even though the photographer didn't catch a smile on my face...)
After the student thought she was done, the tech wanted to have a look. She pressed harder (I could feel it on my bladder!!!) and instantly on the screen there were two babies!!!!!! She so calmly said "yep, there's two." With the emotions of hearing the heartbeat and the uncertainty of what to expect tears were rolling! Checking for more than two was scary, I'm not going to lie. Whew, they didn't find anymore. They are not marked on this picture, but the babies already have been designated BABY A and BABY B. If you ask Jerry the babies names are SEARS and ROEBUCK. :)
After the ultrasound, we went upstairs to break the news to our doctor! As we were waiting to be called back let me share some of our thoughts...
Double the diapers....
Double the daycare....
You need a bigger car!!!
We can't build a house now...
Yeah... Oh my gosh... Oh my gosh...
I'm going to get huge...
It's going to be a challenging school year...
I need to get another job...
Oh Sh*t...
With everything said and all emotions crossed this past week, we are blessed and cannot be anymore excited! The meeting with the doctor was pretty basic. He could tell that I read (ALOT) and had many questions already. I can have one serving of fish a week as a general rule, up to two caffeinated drinks a day, exercise is great and encouraged, and definitely cannot fly to Florida with Adam in January. Questions answered, and also great for Adam to feel comfortable with me craving a fish fillet from McDonald's (is that even real fish?)!
The next excitement for the day was sharing the news with our family and friends. I am going to admit that there was an adjustment period for us and it took a little time to get used to the idea and share the excitement that everyone else had. It is great knowing we have such good family and friends!
10 Weeks
The babies (I still can't get used to saying that!) are about the size of prunes this week. All of the vital organs have formed and the embryonic tail has disappeared completely (whew). Their fingers are fully separated and the toes have formed. The bones are now forming and buds for teeth are forming as well. Their brains are hard at work developing over 250,000 neurons every minute!
I continue to feel great! Tired, but great. As you can see in the picture, I definitely have a beginning of a bump. It's not quite baby bump (unless you know I am expecting) but I definitely cannot suck it in anymore. I went shopping this past weekend and bought some back-to-school clothes...all maternity (the basics). I will continue to try and wear my regular clothes for as long as I can, but most jeans and work pants from last year are getting uncomfortable. Maternity clothes may not always be flattering and it was hard for me to be open minded about "filling them out" and what they will look like now versus even a month from now, but they are comfortable!
The last part of this week, I got a second wind and cleaned out my closet to fit Adam into our room. He then had the chance to clean out his closet in the baby room to MAKE ROOM FOR BABIES! We have come to the understanding that it will be done in phases. The next phase is a closet organizer and painting. Notice the few baby items that are starting to make it look like a baby closet... Thanks Laura and Jerry!!!

This week I am coaching a volleyball clinic Monday - Thursday for an hour and a half each day, and I am back to work with meetings all day Thursday. I am excited to get the year rolling, but hesitant to give up my daily naps, being able to eat when I need to, and time spent with Izzie. Adam continues to be busy training in nine brand new employees in the three stores!